International Heart Failure Certification

International Heart Failure Center Certification
Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy (GDMT)
Achieving Certification with
Get With The Guidelines®-Heart Failure
Get With The Guidelines®-Heart Failure (GWTG-HF) addresses a challenge healthcare professionals face by providing a consistent process that promotes adherence to the latest treatment guidelines and improves patient care with measurable outcomes. GWTG-HF also facilitates earning International Heart Failure Center Certification. This is an in-hospital program for improving care by promoting consistent adherence to the latest scientific treatment guidelines.
An integral part of using GWTG-HF is access to the Heart Failure Registry. This registry serves as an online tool for hospitals to track and analyze patient data, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of treatments and identifying areas for improvement. By leveraging this data, hospitals can continuously refine their care processes, ensuring that patients receive the most effective, evidence-based treatments while tracking and reporting on hospital performance.
Community Access
Our Mission in Action
Outpatient Care
Heart Failure Certified hospitals adhere to stringent protocols and criteria, ensuring a consistent level of quality care and preparedness across all facilities. This standardization guarantees that all patients, regardless of circumstances, receive the best possible treatment.
Additionally, these hospitals emphasize the importance of outpatient care, providing continuous support and management for heart failure patients after discharge. This approach helps to monitor symptoms, adjust treatments as needed, and reduce the risk of readmissions, ultimately improving patients’ quality of life.