Stories from the Heart: RQI® Success in MENA

American Hospital Dubai is a leader in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region in resuscitation training, working in partnership with the Association’s Resuscitation Quality Improvement® (RQI®) program.
In American Hospital Dubai’s customer journey, their Manager of Resuscitation Services highlighted the program’s impact in his facility, “RQI® is an evolution in the quality of resuscitation training. It builds competence and confidence while significantly reducing training costs.” The on-site, on-demand model enables medical professionals to keep their skills sharp while staying close to patients. “The RQI station is a game-changer," he stated, allowing "staff to complete practical training on their schedule.” The model not only benefits practitioners who need to stay on-site, but the model’s ease and effectiveness yields an additional bonus, too: significant facility cost savings!
Watch American Hospital Dubai’s impactful story (link opens in new window)